38th Annual Army Ten-Miler, In-Person Race General Registration Confirmation
Individual ATM Registration
Congratulations! You are registered for the 38th Annual Army Ten-Miler In-Person Race on October 9, 2022, in Washington, D.C.
Complete race information and runner updates are available on www.armytenmiler.com.
General Registration presented by General Dynamics
- Please go to Active My Events page (https://myevents.active.com/ArmyTenMiler) to access registration receipt and QR code with detailed info on your registration and purchases.
- Forgot to purchase ATM essentials such as a training shirt, the performance 1/4 zip shirt, or General Dynamics Pasta Dinner Tickets? No worries, click here.
Find your 2022 Army Ten-Miler registration, then press Purchase Merchandise
Select desired items & quantities, then press Continue
Review cart, then press Complete to checkout
All items ship within 18 days. Satisfaction is guaranteed by G&G Outfitters.
- ATM Gear Order Inquiries: To inquire about the status of your ATM Gear order, please contact G&G Outfitters Customer Service: Zach Domenech via email at zdomenech@sureshiponline.com or via (301) 276-8915.
- Race HQ hotel: The Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA will serve as the Race HQ hotel again. A special room rate is available to runners. Click here for more information and reservations.
We look forward to cheering your team on! Use #RunArmyRunStrong to share your running joy with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!
*Please note that race entries and processing fees are non-refundable.
Your Army Ten-Miler Team
Sponsor Messages
General Registration presented by General Dynamics
General Dynamics is committed to serving our Soldiers on the battlefield and in our communities. We are a proud sponsor of the 2022 Army Ten-Miler.
The EVENTSHOPS Division of G&G Outfitters is a proud sponsor and the sole provider of the ATM branded merchandise. G&G’s EVENTSHOPS manages the ATM Online Store and Gear Store at the ATM Expo. Visit us online at www.army10.ggoutfitters.com and stop by the ATM Expo to pick up ATM Branded Name Brand Apparel.
Smile! MarathonFoto will be there to photograph your accomplishments on race day. Be sure to have your bib visible and keep an eye out for our photographers in the bright colored vests along the course!
Thank You 2022 ATM Sponsors for Supporting U.S. Army Soldiers and Families!
Co-Lead Sponsors
Major Sponsors
Distribution of this announcement does not constitute endorsement by the Federal Government, DoD, or the U.S. Army.